

New and Upgraded Olymel L.P. Plants in Brampton Create 100 New Jobs

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Olymel L.P., one of the country’s largest pork and poultry processors and distributors, has invested over $30 million to refurbish one of its existing plants and acquire a new 50,000-sq.-ft. plant, both located in Brampton. The reorganization and addition of activities at both plants will create more than 100 more

Blazing Colours Farm Creates Demand for Ontario-Raised Horses

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

On 50 scenic acres in Wellandport, Ontario, you will find Blazing Colours Farm, an equestrian centre and breeding facility with horses that are sought after for their high quality and their unique blazing colours. April Wayenberg started it all 15 years ago, and in that time, has built more

GHFFA receives RED Project Funding: Building the Asset Mapping Tool Box

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Often a tool box begins with a few essential tools, like a hammer and a screwdriver. Through experience, time, effort and investment, more tools are added and eventually the tool box becomes better equipped for a diverse number of projects. The Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance (GHFFA), more

Holland Marsh Growers’ Association Receives Award for Healthy Water Project

Friday, November 24, 2017

Congratulations to the Holland Marsh Growers’ Association (HMGA), who received a Healthy Water Award earlier this month from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) at their 36th annual Conservation Awards. The HMGA Water Project resulted in important research and discoveries related to wash water systems and de-dirting equipment, more

37 families honoured for 150+ years of farming in Peel Region

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Article from the Caledon Enterprise by Danielle Marr: Despite its proximity to the Big Smoke, Caledon has held on to its farming roots and on Nov. 18, the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance (GHFFA) paid tribute to 37 families who have been farming in Peel for 150 years more

Peel Region Endorses Food Charter for a Food Secure Community

Monday, November 20, 2017

This month, the Region of Peel endorsed a comprehensive Food Charter, designed to lead a collective effort in achieving a just, equitable food system for the area and its residents. The Charter is a living document developed through significant input from the community, and comes as a response more