Tuesday, April 25, 2017
With support from the Greenbelt Fund, Rhizome Institute for the Future of Food has developed Trade Fare, a series of upcoming events aimed at bridging the urban-rural divide in the local food supply chain, giving food entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop direct relationships with farmers who grow local supplies of certain specialty...read more
Thursday, April 20, 2017
May 10, 2017 Update: The Toronto Star has since reported an update, that Ontario Long Term Care homes have received a 67-cent increase—from $8.33 to $9 a day starting July 1st —to feed their residents. The CEO of AdvantAge Ontario, Cathy Gapp, has said the new provincial funding will...read more
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Halton Food Council is hosting an event, Policies, Practices & Partnerships: Reducing Food Waste Symposium, at Country Heritage Park in Milton on May 30th. The symposium will explore policies and practices to reduce food waste along the food chain, and will kick off with keynote speaker Dr. Martin Gooch, CEO/Partner...read more
Saturday, March 25, 2017
In addition to propelling the industry forward, innovation in agriculture produces a myriad of benefits for producers and consumers (and everyone in between). We spoke with one of last year’s Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence about some of these invaluable benefits, shining the light on just some of...read more
Friday, March 24, 2017
Forward-thinking food businesses have been focusing on this protein for a few years now. The Future of Food and Farming Forum in 2015 was abuzz with its potential. And it’s been growing exponentially as a nutritious, environmentally-friendly alternative protein on plates across the globe. We’re talking about insects. Entomophagy—the...read more
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Mohawk College is currently working on a project to increase local food procurement at Ontario’s 24 colleges, in partnership with the Greenbelt Fund and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Kate Flynn, Sustainable Food Systems Research and Program Coordinator at Mohawk, tells us the project has now reached its first...read more
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
The provincial and federal governments have added four new project categories under the Growing Forward 2 Program that are dedicated to helping farmers transition to a low carbon economy, aiming to support Ontario farmers while boosting energy efficiency on farming operations. The support will help farmers modify their equipment and improve efficiency at...read more