Thursday, March 5, 2015
Attention Planners and Economic Developers: OMAFRA has released draft PPS Guidelines on permitted uses in Ontario’s prime agricultural areas, which have been posted for a 90-day commenting period. OMAFRA is interested in discussing the content of the draft Guidelines and receiving your input. As these Guidelines closely affect farmers, more
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Have you developed and implemented an innovative product or process within your agriculture or food business? If so, you could be eligible to receive one of the following awards from the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence Program: – Premier’s Award (one award valued at $75,000) – Minister’s more
Friday, February 27, 2015
A farmer in Lambton County has possibly changed the way we’ll be looking at road salt, after winning a $107,352 lawsuit for damages the municipal government’s road salt caused to his farm. Specifically, $56,700 was awarded to Joseph and Evelyn Steadman for the depreciation in their property value, more
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Ontario Farmland Trust is holding their 11th annual Farmland Forum in east central Ontario for the very first time. After 10 successful years in Guelph, 2015’s Forum will be held in Oshawa, making it easier for attendees in the eastern end of the province to attend. Details: Date: Friday, more
Friday, February 6, 2015
Last month the Headwaters Food & Farming Alliance (HFFA) was awarded a First Place Category Champion prize worth $5,000 from CST Inspiring Minds Learning Project at Primrose Elementary School in Mulmur. HFFA submitted Idea #311, “If we nourish, kids will flourish”, for the CST funding program and was more
Friday, January 30, 2015
On November 20, 2014, the GHFFA attended a York Region meeting hosted to found the Southern Ontario Food Collaborative, with 39 representatives from provincial, regional and municipal governments, food businesses, and food and farming organizations in attendance. The purpose was for these leaders to share information and ideas more
Monday, January 5, 2015
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is offering courses in February and March that will Explore Value-Added Opportunities via webex and teleconference. Participants will learn how to generate ideas for value-added opportunities, assess an idea’s business potential, identify and manage risk, and develop a plan to more