
Opportunities for Change

Successful European Bakery in Hamilton Expands with Local Food Fund

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Local Food Fund has made its way to Hamilton, helping to support in the expansion of a successful local bakery in the city’s east end. Gala Bakery, owned and operated by the Janosevic family since 2002, has been growing in size and popularity since its beginning for more

Agri-Food Innovators and Award Recipients in Peel, York and Toronto

Monday, December 1, 2014

The province is once again celebrating local innovators who are contributing to the success of Ontario’s agri-food sector. Earlier in November, the regional recipients of the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence were celebrated and honoured at a ceremony in Toronto to recognize their contributions to the creation of more

Bringing the Golden Horseshoe Action Plan to Queen’s Park

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

On Tuesday, November 4, members of the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance gathered at Queen’s Park to meet with Ontario MPPs and Ministers to advance the conversation on food and farming, and in particular our Action Plan for the Golden Horseshoe. Our 10-year Action Plan provides a more

Caledon Enhances Opportunities for Ag-Related Uses

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Town of Caledon has made amendments to its Official Plan (OPA 237) in an effort to enhance opportunities for agriculture-related uses, after concluding that existing policies needed to be adjusted to better reflect provincial policies and encourage value-added agriculture through secondary use and on-farm diversification methods. The more

Hamilton Pushes for Urban Farming

Monday, October 27, 2014

Last month Hamilton’s planning committee paved the way for new city rules that would allow more urban farms and community gardens – clarifying the rules for growers, defining the areas and what can be grown there. Previously, urban farms in Hamilton have only been allowed in certain limited areas, more

Get Your Taste of the Harvest in the Headwaters Region

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Hills of Headwaters Tourism Association is back to once again showcase and celebrate local flavours throughout the region with an exciting, seasonal multi-day event, this time with A Taste of the Harvest. From Friday, October 17th to Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 locations across the Headwaters Region will more