

Niagara Food & Beverage Convention: Scale Up Your Business

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Learn how to scale up and grow your business at Niagara’s 2017 Food and Beverage Convention, taking place March 3rd in Niagara Falls at the Scotiabank Convention Centre. The Agri-food Management Institute teamed up with Innovate Niagara and many others to offer this full-day event to Ontario food and beverage manufacturing businesses, more

Organic Council of Ontario Seeks Input from Organic and Non-Organic Producers

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Organic Council of Ontario has received funding to conduct a sector-wide assessment of barriers to growing Ontario’s organic sector. As part of the assessment, they are reaching out to any and all producers, processors and businesses across the province with online surveys, in an effort to gather more

Cooking Up New Ideas in Long Term Care

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

There is a bias that comes to mind when we think about food and healthcare facilities. Images of various food products, sometimes separated by dividers on the same tray, sometimes running into each other on a plate, that are brought in frozen, and reheated, can end up looking more