Building a Better Online Resource: on-going changes to

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Change is in the air at and!

The two websites profiling the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance and the Greater Toronto Area Agricultural Action Committee are merging into one centralized web resource. This one-stop-shop will benefit participating members and advisors as well as other interested stakeholders, researchers, and members of the public by creating a reference destination that will put the organizations’ on-going work front and centre. Over the coming weeks, visitors to this site will see new content, new navigation, and new ways to learn about food and farming in the Golden Horseshoe.

Planned new features include:

  • A blog providing updates on projects that are part of the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Action Plan’s Implementation Strategy.
  • A video gallery profiling some Alliance and GTAAAC constituents and projects.
  • A document library of select reports from the Alliance and GTAAAC.
  • More background information about the two organizations and how they fit together.

Please bear with us as we migrate content and build the new site. Any pre-existing links to should still work within the site, and will now direct you to this web destination.

Follow us on our new Twitter accounts @GHFoodFarming and @GTAAgAction (replacing the previous @GTA_AAC profile) to stay up to date about the website’s development and new blog posts! Help us share the excitement of successful projects implementing the Action Plan.


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