Policy, practice & partners in a vibrant food & farming cluster.

Recent News

Finding Local Wherever You Are: there’s an App for That

Thursday, July 30, 2015

So your home base, your work place, and your summer getaway are all in three different areas, but your craving for fresh, local food stays with you, wherever you find yourself. What if, in these 3 different places, you want to find a specific product, or the closest market,...read more

Harvest Speciality Mills Brings State-of-the-Art Facility to Halton Region

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Harvest Speciality Mills is currently in the building phase of an innovative grain cleaning, milling and packing facility in Halton Region’s Burlington with prime state-of-the-art technology. The plant will offer grains, pulses and dried fruits to customers of all sizes, marketing the specialty grains via shopify, which will support...read more

Caledon Looking to Green its Agriculture Sector: Biogas Potential

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Town of Caledon has put on their green thinking cap, looking at ways to green their agriculture sector, and biogas may be just what the doctor (farmer) ordered! Biogas is fuel derived from the decay of organic matter – the organic materials are captured and processed through anaerobic...read more

Niagara Strategizes for Right to Local Food Security

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Niagara is aiming to do what makes sense with food issues – work at them harmoniously: strategize to support local food and farmers, while at the same time, combat food insecurity, connecting that local food to those who especially need it. The Right to Local Food was the theme...read more

Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

“The soil is, as a matter of fact, full of live organisms. It is essential to conceive of it as something pulsating with life, not as a dead or inert mass.” – Albert Howard, The Soil and Health, 1947 2015 is the International Year of Soils (IYS). Though the grand...read more