A recent CBC article has highlighted How urban gardening could be at the forefront of climate change adaptation in Canada’s cities.
“So much so that cities such as Toronto and Montreal have urban agriculture strategies to boost farming inside their city limits,” the article explains, adding that the City of Mississauga is also currently working on an urban agriculture strategy as one of the pillars of its climate change action plan.
“Dianne Zimmerman, Mississauga’s environment manager, says in addition to the benefits of producing food locally, including cutting down greenhouse gas emissions caused by transporting food long distances and supporting biodiversity in the city, urban gardening can also foster a sense of inclusion. A benefit that’s perhaps even more valued now as a result of the pandemic, she said.”
Read the full article by Inayat Singh and Alice Hopton here.

Graphic from our 2021-2026 Action Plan, which you can access here.
Our new Action Plan 2021-2026 also highlights the opportunity in urban agriculture — and that the Golden Horseshoe, and Southern Ontario more broadly, have the capacity to become leaders in urban agriculture. You can read our full Action Plan on our website here.